Become an Underwriter

Benefits and Rates

Reach the people of Corvallis uniquely and directly with community radio. Raise awareness for your business while supporting a local non-profit! Please see our rates and example spot below. For more questions or to become an underwriter, contact us! See all of our current underwriters here.

All rates include daily placement on the station.

$100 / MONTH

  • 2 spots daily, airing between 8AM and 8PM
  • Website logo display / link to website

$200 / MONTH

  • 4 spots daily, airing between 8AM and 8PM
  • Website logo display / link to website

$250 / MONTH

  • 6 spots daily, airing between 8AM and 8PM
  • Website logo display / link to website
  • Extra mentions, PSAs, remote broadcast possibilities

$500 / MONTH

  • 10 spots daily, airing between 8AM and 8PM
  • Website logo display / link to website
  • Extra mentions, PSAs, remote broadcast possibilities


  • Professionally produced, with or without music, voiced by KORC DJ or other voice.
  • Generally 15-30 seconds long.
  • Non-commercial in nature, following community radio and LPFM (low power FM) guidelines.
  • Scheduled to air in station daily playlist, or before and after specific programs on KORC.


“Support for KORC comes from listeners like you… we also receive support from the Downward Dog Campus, located at 2305 NW Monroe, near OSU. They offer patio and indoor dining, a selection of microbrews and food, and they are open daily from 11AM to midnight.”

This is read in a measured tone of voice, no sales words, qualitative language or calls to action.